Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The Complexity Of A Social Crisis

By Ekema Emmanuel Likine, Political Sociologist.
Social crisis are easy to start but very difficult to end. Their validity is sustained as long as different interest groups come up with diverse motives to keep the crisis alive. Social crisis are most often the brain child of the elites class that sets the goal for a specific objective to be achieved but in so many cases, other interest groups take advantage of the existing situation to push through their own plans. In some situations, the elite classes mastermind their plans using the common people in the society. This is due to the educational prowess they have over the less educated. The common man is therefore manipulated to sustain the crisis sometimes for reasons they know nothing about.
From time immemorial, politicians have always started wars that are never fought by them or their children. They usually use the military or a group of brainwashed youths, to achieve their motives. The truth of the matter is that the interest of politicians, always takes preference over that of those sent out to fight on their behalf. For the very fact that no two people have the same way of reasoning, it makes it practically impossible to end social crisis because people have different mentalities and interpretations of situation so therefore it becomes very difficult, to bring back the society at the same level of reasoning once the crisis has gone operational.

There will be conflicting interest or position among the actors involved. In a situation like this, a legitimate cry for change, can be transformed to an endless crisis that will now be characterised by looting, scores settling, blackmailing, hostage taking, armed robbery, and of course perpetual suffering from those who cannot go about their economic activities freely as a result of the crisis. It is very easy for a social crisis to get to this level because not all the players involved, will certainly have the same objectives.
The war in Syria and Libya started as political movements to oust long serving leaders from power but today, the socio-economic  devastation that the people of these countries are experiencing due to the crisis, is beyond human understanding. The people of Libya and Syria are suffering but the international community keeps playing politics over their predicaments. Libya was once one of the most flourishing countries in Africa but now it has turn to a lawless state where nobody is sure to start a day talk less of ending it. People cannot go about their economic activities freely because of the fear of the unknown.
The question of diverse interest can be linked beyond the frontiers of the country in crisis. So many foreign nations especially the big powers may exploit an internal problem to push through their political or economic agenda in the country currently under a social crisis. A typical example is the opportunity to sell weapons  to the opposing factions. In some cases, big powers have also benefit from the existence of a social crisis mostly in African countries, to steal their raw materials while the citizen’s are busy killing themselves. It is thus very clear that in the advent of a social crisis especially in third world countries, these big powers will not like to see the crisis come to an end base on the reasons advanced above.
In the case of Cameroon, i think the way forward out of our crisis in the two English regions, is first of all, a universal acceptance that the love of country is above our personal interest and ambitions no matter how legitimate our reasons  may be. Secondly, for dialogue to hold as acclaimed by all, there must be a unilateral acceptance of the subject matter to be discussed if not the standoff between pro- secessionist and anti- secessionist will never come to an end. After this phase, the powers that be, can embark on an appeasement mission to ease the anger and frustrations of all those who have lost love one’s and properties as a result of the crisis. The last phase to my opinion will be to organize a national day of reconciliation. We should all know that it is by destiny that we are all born Cameroonians so it is the duty of all and sundry to keep this land given to us by God Almighty, safe for the good of our wellbeing and for future generations. Social crisis are always difficult to manage so it is advisable to avert them before they eat deep into the minds of the people.
 First published at bamendaonline.net

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